- Thank you from Udayan
- The group of girls of Udayan and the volunteers from "Days For Girls"!
- Learning and teaching are fun!
- Now that's a beautiful smile
- Life changing!
- New Friends
- Got my kit and a new friend
- "I love you"
- Assembling the complete kits after the lecture/fun
- The girls and their kits!
- My kit!
- Some of the team from Days For Girls and LDSC in New Delhi
- This is Komal & Sheetal Pal Udayan. They are so lovely.
- Designs and sewing machines!
- LDSC donated sewing machine
- Days for girls kits
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
On October 25, 2016, LDS Charities donated 100 "Days For Girls" kits to one of the girl-only orphanges run by Udayan Care of New Delhi, India. LDS Charities (LDSC) is the humanitarian arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
DAYS FOR GIRLS is a "dynamic grassroots network of tens of thousands of volunteers worldwide on 6 continents enpowering girls, women and communities to find sustainable mensturel health solutions." Please visit www.daysforgirls.org for more information.
"Days For Girls" volunteers travelled from Taipei, Taiwan with the girls hygiene kits and were soon were in front of 22 girls of Udayan Care. A short teaching session concerning girls and womens health was given and then the kits were distributed.
Udayan Care orphange is run by Ms. Kiran Modi of New Delhi, India. Ms. Modi "acts as a role model to those whom would serve these lovely girls. For her, it is a passion of care, of service, and of love", said Mr. Deepak Sharma, Director of one of the Noida Udayan houses where 37 girls reside. Udayan Care takes special care to provide a "family type environment" to all the kids. Two days before the visit from LDSC and Days For Girls volenteers, all these girls had a field trip to the Taj Mahal in Agra, similar to what any loving family would provide their children. This is called the "concept of life" by Udayan Care.
All the girls from this orphange are adopted in the Udayan family and all girls are required to attend school. According to Mr. Sharma, "70-80% of these girls go onto graduate from high school, a trade school or some kind of vocational training". Some of the girls get their vocational training right at Udayan. LDSC has also donated several sewing machines which the girls learn how to use. They also learn how to design and make their own clothes; valuable training!
It's of no coincidence that the fundamental pillars for both Udayan Care and Days For Girls is: Empathy, Education, and Empowerment.
One of the older girls of Udayan, Ms. Sheetal Pal Udayan, said "This whole learning experience was great. This kind of training is almost unknown for most of us. And the kit? It's washable and reusable. I will take care of my kit. Thank you so much".
The donated "Days For Girls" kits were assembled at the Asia Women's Conference attendees in March of 2016 in Hong Kong (Picture included).