- Hyd RO man
- HYD RO Woman
- HYD RO unit
- Hyd RO coconut spray
- Hyd RO dancing and drums
- Hyd RO Mrs. Reddy
- hyd RO Mr Reddy
- Hyd RO priest
- HYD RO women leaders
- HYD RO letter
- hyd RO Lambadi
- HYD RO children asking
- hyd ro darla
- hyd ro hands
- hyd ro larry and darla
- hyd ro leader
- hyd ro sign
- hdy ro sudakar
- hyd RO Regendrin
- hyd ro shaker
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Hyderabad villages in the State of Telengana have been celebrating the arrival of reverse osmosis units. The most current celebration was Oct 28, 2016. The reverse osmosis water filtration systems have been donated by LDS Charities. LDS Charities is the humanitarian arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
In total, 54 of 70 villages are now using the reverse osmosis (RO) water filtration systems. By January 2017, 70 villages will have working units.
The excitement in the villages is audible at times. Villagers beat drums, sing and chant “Telengana” as the village representatives and members of legislative assemblies, MLAs, arrive for the celebration. Government officials are grateful to have clean water for their constituents.
Mr Pailla Shekar Reddy, an MLA for the Bongiri Constituency, said "We are thankful to LDS Charities [in bringing] water to this village."
Each reverse osmosis unit can service a village of 2,500-3,000 people. The units are housed in a secure building provided by the village. Each unit is self-sustaining. A local water-master controls the security of the building and the minimal fee charged for each 20 litre container of water. The fees are used to maintain the unit’s filters. Filters need to be changed every 6 months.
Self-sustainability is one of the mottos of LDS Charities (LDSC).
Villages in the outlying areas of Hyderabad need clean water. Fluoride is very high in the Hyderabad water. High fluoride can cause bone deformation. It can also cause food to rot quicker, costing family more money.
The press covers the RO celebrations. The press commented, “LDSC is doing great charity work which [other] organizations have not done before.”
Local woman are anxiously waiting for the RO units to be turned on at the celebrations. Woman happily fill pots of water and carry them on their shoulders back to their homes. Families and their children are being strengthened by the RO units. Literally their bones are being strengthened.
Children from Z.P.H.S. Kurella school came to one recent ceremony and presented a letter to LDSC asking for RO units in their schools, “Thank you for your service [in villages]. Please have mercy to provide a water tank to our school.”
LDSC and Liquid Services, the company which builds the RO units, have worked tireless with the 70 villages for close to a year. The villages and their MLAs are appreciative for the work.
Ms. Gongidi Sunitha Reddy, an MLA for the Alier Constituency and Telengana WHIP said “ You people [LDSC] are always welcome in our area.”