Even the threat of monsoon rains could not keep the Young Single Adults (YSA’s) of the New Delhi District away from bringing warmth and sunshine to the students and staff of the Bharat Technical Welfare Society. Over thirty-nine YSA’s and leaders gathered together on Saturday, July 20th wearing the familiar yellow “Helping Hands” vests to clean, sand, repair and paint the interior walls of the well-used and historic building.
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Following the presentation of flowers and a plaque of appreciation the work began with young “messengers of love” in yellow vests converged on every wall in the courtyard. Students moved about in amazement at the flurry of activity. Ladders were put up to reach every corner. Dust filled the air as walls were sanded. Huge twenty liter pots of paint were mixed with every drop used to beautify the building. After hours of hard work a much welcomed break was had as lunch and friendships were shared between the students and the YSA’s.
Manoj Gupta, Secretary of the Bharat Blind School, was moved with gratitude as he saw the students and Young Single Adult volunteers interacting together. He said, “This is wonderful that we could work together, thank you for being here.”
The students at the Bharat Blind School learn skills that will help them become independent in the outside world. Housekeeping, cooking, crafts, technical training and many other skills prepare them for a rich and productive life. But on this day, they learned about love that is given from the heart freely and generously by young men and women they have never met. Likewise, the Young Single Adults learned lessons of service and selflessness that will stay in their hearts and enrich their lives forever.