In mid-December young adults of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints distributed over one hundred blankets to patients at Safdarjung Hospital in New Delhi, one of the largest government hospitals in India.
“Patients come from far away rural areas to receive proper medical treatment,” explained Rajiv Kumar, organizer of the distribution. “They come with whatever they can carry, as little as possible, just enough to survive until they get the medical treatment they and their loved ones seek.”
As temperatures dip into the single digits at night, blankets are a welcome gift to both those staying at the Dharamshala (the hospital-run guest house) and those in the hospital. Sixty-seven blankets were distributed at the Dharamshala before the group moved to the hospital proper.
Here they divided into six groups and walked the halls looking for those in need. Nine new mothers and their babies in the maternity ward were especially grateful for the blankets.
“They were happy to see us and know that there are people who really want to help them in this cold weather by distributing blankets,” Ravi stated. “We were overwhelmed by their smiles and gestures of gratitude.”
Malati Sarkar who also participated in the distribution added, “It was an awesome feeling to give the blankets, to be helping someone and showing love to others as our Savior would.”
Reflecting back on the experience, Rajiv said, “We were grateful that the Church has this humanitarian program that helps us experience more deeply the meaning of loving one another.”