Bradley Hansen, President of the New Delhi Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints spoke Thursday, 2 October in Pune at the Parliament of Science, Religion and Philosophy organized by MIT World Peace University. He addressed the topic of “Faith-based Education.”
He stood before a crowd of approximately 500 persons consisting of university students and representatives from various faiths, in the Saint Shri Dnyaneshwara World Peace Prayer Hall. Speaking on the power of faith to enhance education, he said, “A faith-based university is not simply founded and funded by a specific religion, but it is a university where faith in God is the source of motivation for the pursuit of excellence.” He further emphasized that the values and standards of a faith-based university must permeate every level of the institution, “from the janitor to the university president.”
Hansen cited the mission of Brigham Young University, founded, supported, and guided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to, “assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life” by providing a “stimulating setting where a commitment to excellence is expected and the full realization of human potential is pursued.”
“We are all the children of a loving God,” he continued, “we are brothers and sisters. As His children, we have divine value and divine potential. Additionally, as God’s children, He can help us; He wants to help us; and He will help us as we cultivate faith in Him through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.”
Ronald C. Gunnel, Executive Producer for and Assistant to the President of the world renowned Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, businessman and philanthropist also spoke about the goodness inherent in all religions. “We recognize that the founders, prophets and teachers of all religions have been inspired so their scriptures contain much truth,” he said.
Gunnell went on to outline five guiding principles of his faith which included agency, relief for the suffering, religious freedom, love and the divinity of Jesus Christ.
The World Parliament of Science, Religion and Philosophy is the brain child of Dr. Vishwanath D. Karad and is organized by MIT-WPU in association with the World Peace Center, Alandi, the MIT Group of Institutions and MIT-Art Design and Technology University (MIT-ADT), Pune.